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Novec fire extinguishing system

The Benefits of Using a NOVEC Gas Suppression System

The NOVEC 1230 Fire Protection Fluid is the clean agent used in Novec gas suppression systems, a type of fire suppression system. Comparing this sort of technology to conventional fire suppression techniques like water or foam reveals a number of advantages. The following are a few of the main advantages of utilising a Novec gas suppression system.

Novec gas suppression systems effectively put out flames by lowering the oxygen levels in a space, depriving the fire of the oxygen it requires to keep burning. This is a very efficient method for putting out fires since it can do it rapidly and without endangering the neighbourhood.

Contrary to conventional fire suppression techniques, Novec gas suppression systems are risk-free for both humans and equipment. The non-toxic, non-corrosive NOVEC 1230 Fire Protection Fluid doesn’t leave behind any residue or cause water damage. This implies that a space may be swiftly and safely reoccupied once a fire has been put out using a Novec gas suppression system.

Novec gas suppression systems also adhere to environmental standards. With no ozone depletion potential and a minimal potential for global warming, the NOVEC 1230 Fire Protection Fluid is an environmentally friendly choice. This makes it a fantastic option for businesses seeking to lessen their carbon impact and conduct business sustainably.

Rapid reaction:

Novec gas suppression systems are able to put out flames right away before they have a chance to spread because to their lightning-fast response times. This is crucial in facilities like data centres where downtime may be quite expensive.

Low upkeep:

The maintenance needed for Novec gas suppression systems is extremely low. Novec gas suppression systems only need to be examined once or twice a year, as opposed to conventional fire suppression techniques that involve frequent inspections and the refilling of water or foam tanks. They are therefore a long-term, cost-effective choice.

In conclusion

Novec gas suppression systems offer a highly efficient, secure, green, and low-maintenance fire suppression choice. They have a lot of advantages over conventional fire suppression techniques, and they are a great option for businesses that want to shield their personnel, property, and assets from the damaging impacts of flames.

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